Skeptic Volume 2, Number 3 (1994): Fad Psychology and False
Memory Syndrome
- Skeptics' Forum
- Letters: Satanic Smoke; Geller Cutlery; Skeptical
Thought Control; Elvis Called Me; The Science of Santa; Christianity
Not Founded by a Jew, Larue Responds; Scientific Ignorance and
Arrogance, Rothman Responds; Babbage Not Top 12; Freethinkers and
Charismatic Paranoids; Debunking Ayn Rand; Rand Not an Absolutist?;
The Shermer "Phenomena(on)"; By Any Other Name; Truth--the First
Casualty?; Hanging on to the First Amendment; Meeting the Test;
Welcome to Our Offices; Asking the Right Questions; Not an Idiot
- Skeptical News
- Holocaust Denial; Allen, Randi at Caltech; Skeptic
in Supermarkets; Creationists' Latest Strategy Countered; Where Your
Membership Money Goes; Randi Supernova; CBS Not Thwarted by Hoax;
"Protocols" Forgery; SETI Program Ended; Gallo Vindicated; Should
Science be Censored?; Silicon Psychic; Murder Blamed on Witchcraft;
The Millennium--7 or 8 Years Away?; Lives of a Biology Watcher; What
Jesus Really Said; Every Time a Bell Rings; A Dickens of a Lady;
Embassy for E.T.; What is a Humanist?; Supreme Court Denies
- Sun Goes Down in Flames: The Jammal
Ark Hoax
- By Jim Lippard
- The Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures
- By David Bloomberg
- Flood Myths and Sunken Arks: Who Needs to Believe in Noah's Ark and
- By Gerald Larue
- Skeptical Perspectives: Introduction to a SPECIAL SECTION on the
Mind: An Epidemic of Accusation: The Chaos of Witch Crazes and Their
Modern Descendants
- By Michael Shermer
- Recovered Memory Therapy and False
Memory Syndrome
- By John Hochman
- Misplaced Trust: A First Person Account of How My Therapist
Created False Memories
- By Laura Pasley
- Facilitated Communication: Mental Miracle or
Sleight of Hand?
- By Gina Green
- The Illusion of Science in Psychiatry
- By Carol Tavris
- Diagnoses are Not Diseases: A Skeptical Analysis of Psychiatry
- By Thomas Szasz
- William Reich--Epigones of Orgonomy: The Incredible History of
William Reich and his Followers
- By Joel Carlinsky
- Pseudo--Psychotherapy: UFO's, Cloudbusters, Conspiracies, and
Paranoia in William Reich's Psychotherapy
- By Richard Morrock
- Sex, Brains, and Hands: How Women and Men Think
- By Diane Halpern
- In Brief and In Review: Books and Articles of Interest:
- Desperately Seeking Sanity: A Review of Gerald Holton's Science and
Anti-Science by Thomas McDonough; Scenes from the Books of Life:
Deconstruction as a Form of Skepticism: A Review of Martin Rudwick's
Scenes From Deep Time and Stephen Jay Gould's The Book of Life
by Michael Shermer
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